Visitors and Parking
Visitors and Parking
To ensure the safety of our students, everyone, including parents who visit the school, must sign in at the office and must obtain a visitor tag. If you are a parent/guardian who is picking up a child for any reason, bringing required materials to your child, attending a meeting, visiting a classroom or merely wishing to speak with a teacher, you MUST check in at the office. Office personnel will contact the appropriate people for your assistance. Your cooperation in this area will assist us in providing uninterrupted classroom routines and will help us to secure our school and ensure everyone’s safety. Parents or guardians who would like to visit classrooms for any reason are asked to make arrangements with the classroom teacher prior to the visit.
If you are picking up your child after school please arrange to meet him/her by the benches near the main office. You are still required to sign in if you remain in this area. In an effort to enhance the safety of our students and staff, all doors, including the front door, will be locked during school hours. A security camera is operational, and visitors must enter through the front doors off of School Street and press the buzzer/button to gain entry into the school. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation in our efforts to enhance student and staff safety. Please note, students will not be permitted to open doors for visitors during school hours. All visitors must report to the main office. Once again, your support in this regard is most appreciated